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November 16, 2008


Nathan D

Hate to sound all fanboy and whatnot, but I think if you had tried to do what you're proposing on Windows it would have been painful rather than just a nuisance.

I'm with you on iMovie, though -- how could they release a product inferior to the prior version?


This actually works for me. I have an iMac running iTunes, an Airport Express connected to stereo in another room and cant control from anywhere with Remote. Suspect the issue is in your wifi configuration. Its got to work from the iMac to start and be on the same local network.


oops meant *can* control from anywhere....


Nathan - that's my point *exactly* Apple has me thinking it's all easy peasy, plug-n-play so they've raised my expectations irrationally.

Thanks, Roz! Yeah, I can get it to work but its patchy at best... it's most likely the wifi so off I go to the Apple store to buy a better router ;) Ka-ching goes the register!

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