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May 03, 2009



First of all I hate you for having a cool looking blog. Second, how cool is it that someone stole home at all in this day and age. Third, all pitchers go into a full wind-up when there is a man on third, or bases loaded. It's quite commonplace.

That is all. Goodbye!

jeff reine

1. Typepad.com and a cool looking blog can be yours as well
2. Very, very cool
3. I didn't know that, but now i do so thank you, Mike, thank you very much

the best part of the steal was actually JD Drew's reaction... as in... NO REACTION. No hi-5, no fist pump, not even a second glance. just back in the batter's box for a double down the line.


you don't have a 'referral' code for me, do you?

Nathan D

Change the words up, and this could be the makings of a great beer ad. Or something selling some financial product.

jeff reine

I'm really not sure how to take that, Nathan... :)

It would have to be a really good beer. Like Sam Adams or Duff. Mmmm. Beer.

And since I'm an index fund kinda guy I don't think I could get behind the financial product idea.

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