Nope, I'm not actually stuck in an elevator. It's just the Question of the Day. Who would you most like to be stuck in an elevator with? Least like? Oh, Question of the Day! You so crazy.
Most: Kelly. In fact, I think we have this planned for our next Date Day. Alone time with my wife? Sign me up.
Chris Byrne over at The Anarchangel points out that Don Draper's midnite dash from Westchester to Bedford, MA to drop off his new girlfriend's brother would've been a tall order. But who cares when my hometown of Framingham gets a shout out as a landmark! Don is hesitant to drop off the brother "20 miles from Framingham." I'd guess the writers wanted to punch up the phrase "middle of nowhere?" Right? That's what you'd normally say. "I can't just drop you off in the middle of nowhere."
20 miles from Framingham = Middle of Nowhwere
My best guess is that he was in Auburn, MA, having taken 84N to the Pike. Lovely place, Auburn.
You know I'm going to tweet all my new posts right? So why not make it easy for me? Tell me how many characters I have left including the link. Or if that's too extreme maybe give me both a Title Field *and* a "Share Field"? That way I can title without regard for social promotion and can customize my one line social marketing message, as well. Mull it over.
Oh, and while I'm in the feature requesting mood, how about integrating the links into TypePad Mobile so that I can have unified link love in my TypePad Dashboard?