What was your favorite childhood toy?
Submitted by A Pretty:Simple Life.
This QOTD is easy to answer: LEGO. Those tiny, colored bricks from Denmark were easily my favorite toy from childhood. Sure I would mix and mingle the GI Joes, Star Wars figurines and Transformers onto the scense, but make no mistake, the scene was set in the bright, blocky hues of L-E-G-O.
I think those bricks are still around somewhere... and I can't wait to see my daughter's eyes light up when she gets first crack at them. But she'll have some competition. I bet I can still build a mean castle.
Absolutely. Legos win hands down. Distant second, but still second -- Lincoln Logs.
Posted by: Michael Sippey | October 12, 2009 at 10:30 PM
Sippey - are you actually attached spiritually to TypePad? I *just* wrote this.
And second, I must disagree. Second best toy is without a doubt the Slinky, especially when paired with the family cat ;)
Posted by: jeff reine | October 12, 2009 at 10:53 PM