With the launch of its library book-lending scheme, Kindle users can visit their local library’s website, look up the book they wish to borrow and then choose a “Send To Kindle” link, which will deliver the book to their reading device.
via thenextweb.com
This is so awesome and has my imagination running. The American public library is one of the great global institutions, spreading knowledge and community far and wide. As the internet and ebooks encroach ever more on the bound book libraries obviously must evolve. This feels like a seminal moment.
I wonder who will be the first community to provide free (or discounted) Kindles to its citizens... And if this move could fundamentally change how we look at public libraries in the future. Is the public library of tomorrow an open, well-lit civic space with wifi, ebook lending licenses and research librarians? But no stacks?
Does this move by Amazon mean that "library" will eventually become a concept rather than a place? Would it cost less for a community to outfit every family with a Kindle or maintain its physical inventory and buildings?