It was just one of those great days where it all came together: a day where we didn't have any commitments but committed to getting things done. It wasn't anything special. But special it was.
We spent it together as a family. No birthday parties. No playdates for the Hannimal. We built the nursery for our soon-to-be second child. We cleaned out some still lingering boxes from the move and brought them to Goodwill... rebuilt a closet... finally finalized plans with the architect. We crushed it.
We ate french toast and lattes and then leftover pizza. Bumpa visited and gave us a a few uninterrupted hours of construction time. It was just what we needed. And then, when we thought it couldn't get any better. It did.
Them: "You guys free for dinner?"
Us: "We'll see if we can get a sitter."
Sitter: "Yes"
And so after a perfectly wonderful day we found ourselves in the finest California casual attire, seated at a fourtop with friends at Sociale enjoying delicious food and delightful friends.
So now I'm being thankful. Listening to Gotye and getting ready for whatever Sunday has in store.